....one mans quest to be less ignoranter

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Furlough my ass!

For those attempting to follow the twitter feed here is the back story

my firm hasn't gotten any new work for over a year, plus it didn't help that the two big projects which we were working on had been financed by Lehman brothers and one of which has been shutdown. So a couple of months ago to save money we went to a 4 day work week. Then last week we were told that as of April 1st(tomorrow) we will be put on a 2 week furlough( meaning i don't go to work but i don't get paid either) during which time the principals will try to find work. If we haven't gotten any new projects after two weeks we will go for another 2 weeks. At any time during the furlough if we opt to receive unemployment, and these are the owners word exactly, "We will be laying ourselves off". Since the firm hasn't gotten any relevant work in over a year and I can't go a month without being paid, I have chosen to lay my self off. therefore today is my last day, and i want to share my half witted thoughts with the world via twitter.

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About Me

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i am: tall, emotional, smart, stupid, indecisive,vague, creative,comical(i laugh at me), a brother,a man, a designer,a boyfriend, a lover, a thinker, a siamese twin,addicted to coffee,passionate,more than a race/creed/color,henotheistic(thank you websters word of the day email), a tiny insignificant spec, a wannabe chef :i like:FOOD!,exclamations!!!11!!eleven!!!,cosby show re-runs,cheese,wine,beer,laughing,art,architecture,thoughful people,indie movies,wikipedia,pork roll- egg&cheese(now i'm hungry),shopping at whole foods,The Wire,minimalism,sports,things that are out of the oridnary,sustainability,New york city(especially from a New jersey perspective:ask me i'll explain) :i make: buildings, drawing, things happen, the world go round(no i don't), people smile,people feel special, my momma proud(i hope), the sky blue, outlandish claims, the magic happen :i have:love,a lovely lady,soul power,alot,not enough,a good family,a wild imagination, bad manners(when it comes to table etiquette), low self esteem, curly hair, a pony (i don’t really), an old school wu tang clan shirt from 1993,good friends, good brothers,good taste, guilty pleasures.